Here is the Santa photo that we got taken in Dubbo on Monday. It was so funny I said to Mia look there's Santa do you want to get your photo taken with Santa? No! Please No! can you hold Brie's hand while she gets her photo taken? No!
So I was just going to get one with Brie but Mia doesn't like to miss out so she sat there and smiled as you can tell this is the best santa photo yet that Mia has had taken.
I just told Mia that I am feeling sick and she said Do you want a bucket LOL so cute. I am supposed to be playing golf tonight but I have a sore toe and don't feel that great there is a vomiting and pooing bug getting about and most of the people that were at the christening either have it, or had it so we are bound to get it I guess - Maybe it is in my head. I hope we don't get it or it stays away until friday cause we have Salty's work xmas party on thurs night and I am sure the food is going to be soooooo yummy.
Wednesday, 29 November 2006
The Santa Photo.
Posted by Amie at 9:02:00 am 6 comments
Monday, 27 November 2006
Brie just rolled back over!!!
Hi everyone - very exciting Brie has just rolled back over. She has been getting so frustrated with being able to roll from her back to her belly and just being stuck so now she will be able to get around the floor a bit more.
Mia went to the doctor today about the cyst on her eyelid and he said there is nothing he can do at the moment as she is too young and he would hate for her too get a nasty scar so she is going to see a plastic surgeon in 6 months to see if he wants to cut it out or not.
Posted by Amie at 8:11:00 pm 2 comments
Sunday, 26 November 2006
Family Photo's
Well the girls just got their photo's taken with Salts mum & dad it is a photography fundraiser you pay the preschool $10 and then you get a framed photo and since Salty is in Newcastle I asked his mum and dad to be in the photo with the girls. They just looked gorgeous I put them in matching outfits so I hope the photo comes up nice.
We went to Ella's christening yesterday it was a great day stayed at the RSL all day and caught up with everyone I came home at about 830 because Mia hadn't had a sleep all day and she was very tired.
These are some photos I took b4 we left for the church.
Posted by Amie at 11:08:00 am 1 comments
Tuesday, 21 November 2006
Santa was a hit!!!
This was Brie before we left for the fete, isn't she just gorgeous patiently waiting while I get organised.
Saturday night was great, Mia had such a good time at the fete. As soon as we got there she ran over to the jumping castle had about 10 jumps and then spotted the merry go round which she loved even more she had 2 rides. By then it was time for Santa to arrive and it took about 15mins for us to even get near him she was yelling out Santa Santa Santa HO HO HO it was so cute. Once he noticed her he gave her a bag of lollies which she thought was pretty good!
We then went and got her face painted and she noticed that Santa was getting his photo taken with kids so I went to get Brie and by the time I'd got back she had already been up on Santa's lap and had her photo taken (so much for me thinking she would be scared LOL) Brie sat there and just looked it will be interesting to see how the photo turns out.
Salt thought he might become a face painter with my eyeshadow. Mia thought it was pretty good!
Salty got heaps of Yabbies so on Sunday he cooked them and we had sweet chilli honey and garlic yabbies and creamy garlic yabbies on rice for lunch I enjoyed them because I don't go much on them just cooked with cocktail sauce whereas Salt would rather them cold with cocktail sauce.
We went over and saw Tyson for his 1st birthday and I was going through her scrapbook and he was just so tiny it is amazing how quick a year goes.
Yesterday we went to Lucy's 3rd birthday and Mia had a great time playing with the kids she came home and had a sleep for nearly 2& half hours and then last night when I put her to bed at 8.30 who do you think wouldn't go to sleep, but the good thing is she is staying in her room playing so at least I am getting peace and quiet.
Playgroup was so hot this morning we only have 1 left until Feb next year.
Mia is asleep again now & Brie is supposed to be going to sleep I can hear her playing in her cot lets hope she goes to sleep as well and then I will go and get some scrapping done.
Twilight golf starts tonight trust it to be about 40degrees outside today anyway I hope I can hit the ball since I haven't play in about 8 months
Brie is starting to sit up really well......
Well I have just had to go and rock brie to sleep in the rocking chair for the first time in her life you forget the looks on their faces you should have seen her just loving being cuddled and rocked at the same time I used to do it a fair bit with Mia but Brie has been such a great baby that she puts herself to sleep anyway lets hope she doesn't get into the habit of liking it too much.
So since the girls are both asleep guess what I am about to go and do LOL!!!
Posted by Amie at 2:30:00 pm 0 comments
Saturday, 18 November 2006
Hi Everyone, I can't believe how much I miss not having email & internet. I got a phonecall from Kristin on Wed morning asking me if my internet was working (I was still in bed LOL) so i didnt know if it was so I got up and had a look and it wasn't sooooo I tried what telstra normally make you do when you call for assistance and that didn't work. Grrrrrr so after nearly 4 days without it it just came back on whoohoo :o)
I started back on my weight watchers this week and have been really well behaved and it paid off as I lost .5kgs hopefully it will be 1kg by tues as that is when I started so that is great I want to loose 3kgs before I go away just before christmas at least then I wont feel so guilty about eating so much on holidays.
We are going to the Catholic School Fete tonight I hope Mia will sit on Santas lap for the photo last year she wasn't very impressed so I cant imagine it happening this year.
Salt is out Yabbying and reckons he will be back by 6.30 so he can come too! Lets see what happens.
I have finally finished the LO that I want to submit to SBM
I need to buy Brie one of those first year books as I am starting to forget when she did what & Mia pulled hers out of the bookshelf yesterday so I have written the things that I can remember down
Smiled 7-8 weeks
Rolled over 14/10/06
pooed in the bath LOL The reason I remember this as it was my birthday!!
Blows rasberrys 6.5m
fisrt solid food 5.5m Farex, she is now eating a little bit more chicken and sweet corn, banana custard, banana & avocado.
Sitting Up 6.5m
Fav Toy the Caterpiller
Laughed, she was exactly 4months but I think that was a fluke it does take a bit too make her laugh Mia is the best at it. All though in Target the other day she was just cacking herself I think it was the lights
Loves the Jolley Jumper as you can see I started putting her in it on wednesday.
It is Tyson's bday tomorrow he will be 1 just think this time last year Jo was rushed to sydney for an emergency ceaser 7 weeks early as she developed toxiemia(spell)??, I will have to visit tomorrow I best go and make a birthday card for him.
By for now.
Posted by Amie at 2:57:00 pm 0 comments
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Tuesday, 14 November 2006
Christmas Shopping
Well I went to Dubbo yesterday to get some christmas shopping done. I got a few things but the best thing was that I had to go to spotlight for Kay and I was looking at all the scrapbooking OTP Kaiser products and brought heaps of them to make for christmas presents for everyone so I am going to have a few late nights soon I can see.
When I got home there was a message from the commonwealth bank asking me to ring them ASAP so I did and they were just making sure I was the one using the credit card good to see they do actually check, you hear about this happening but it has never happened to me before I DIDN'T THINK I HAD SPENT THAT MUCH MONEY !!! LMAO.....
Anyway Salty wasn't very impressed but what is new when I spend money.
Posted by Amie at 1:48:00 pm 0 comments
Sunday, 12 November 2006
Sunday Night
So I guess now I should remind myself of what I have done this week, I cant remember what I did on Monday so it mustn't of been that important. Tuesday was a great day we had our annual Melbourne cup lunch at the RSL with the girls & our kids I was going to drop Mia at her Grandmas but she has worked out that if I drop her over there and take Brie with me she must be missing out on something so she got all dressed up and let me do her hair (what there is of it) and she looked soooo gorgeous I had to take a photo. Salts mum nearly always picks the winner of the big race and once again she picked the winner I am glad I listened to her cause I put $5 each way on Delta Blue and won $118.50 very exciting I also won $16 in $2 sweep and all of us girls put in $5 to buy a yabbie in the yabbie races and we won $188.00 between us so it was just a great day.
On wednesday we went out for lunch for Amandas bday and then Teressa came over and we made some invitations for Ella's christening on the 25th Nov.
Thursday I stayed home all day and did the washing and then played OZ Tag we are a bit sad our team hasn't won a game yet.
Friday morning the girls both woke up tooooo early for my liking 6am so I rang Amanda at 7.15am and we went for a walk and we had a look at her new house that they have just brought.
That night we were all in bed before 8pm it was still daylight thanks to the lovely daylights savings.
Yesterday I did all my ironing and Mia and I made Salmon Patties for Salt (he just loves them apparently) I don't but Mia enjoyed helping me make them so thats all that counts I guess. We then walked over to the Craft Cottage to chat with Narelle - well I better go Mia is up on the bench making a cup of tea!!!!
Posted by Amie at 7:16:00 pm 0 comments
My Own Blog!!
Hi Everyone, well I have been reading a lot of scrapbooking blogs lately and thought it would be nice to have my own so last night I finally did it and now I am just figuring out how to add all the stuff to it I am getting there.
Posted by Amie at 8:48:00 am 0 comments
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About Me

- Amie
- NSW, Australia
- I am a 31yo addicted to lots of things crafty.... scrapbooking, sewing, cooking. I am married to James and we have 3 of the most gorgeous little childern anyone could ask for.... Mia 5, Brie 3 & our little baby boy Sam who has just turned 1. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Have a great day!!!
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- Fiona Carter
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- Jen Hall
- Jenny - Really Just Ribbons
- Jody G
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- Kelley
- Kellie Boyd
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- kyla
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- Leah in the Kia
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- Mel Goodsell
- Mel Nunn
- Melly and Me
- Nat Mardon
- Nic D
- Niccy
- Nicole Finlayson
- Rachel Greig
- Sarah G
- Sarah Scott
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- Susan