I typed up a big long post this afternoon and blogger froze on me so here is a much as I can remember.
My goal this week was to pick up and put things where they belong, unlike what Salty and I normally do - walk over it a thousand times until I get sick of living in a pigsty and decide to clean up. So, so far so good I have been very organised and I have been doing lots of picking up and putting away so that = a nice clean Taylor household.
Leah said the other day that if her house is clean she is a much happier person and she is right I am having quite a good week.
You should have seen Mia at dancing the other day she is so gorgeous, Angie came out and asked us if we would like to see the kids do a little concert of what they had been learning. It was so cute I don't know how anyone manages to notice how cute the other kids on stage were as I couldn't stop staring at Mia with a big grin on my face. She had a big grin on her face too. I think she liked being up there seeing me watch her as she was about 10seconds behind with all her moves LOL.
Here are two of the photos from Brie's photo package. You got to pick out one of the photos to be blown up to poster size and I thought this first one was the cutest but since I have gotten the photos I think the towel photo is stunning.
Anyway they are all gorgeous so I think I am just going to scrap every single one of them.
I have just gotten home from golf and I played like shit - utterly disgusted with myself...... hopefully next week I will putt heaps better.
Anyway I am off to bed, Mia went to bed without any dinner tonight the poor thing must have been very tired....Her Dad was looking after her so I am sure she will be starving when she wakes up in the morning.
I have lots of LO's to share so when Leah finds her cord for my camera I will share...
Wednesday, 28 February 2007
Posted by Amie at 8:46:00 pm 4 comments
Monday, 26 February 2007
It was just GLITTER!!!!!!
I went over to Leah's yesterday afternoon & I have taken this story from Leah's Blog.
{ The girls played with my kids and Mia disappeared out the back, we went and got her ans she was in the cubby house which is high above the sandpit. I t is also out of bounds as the floor of it is very dangerous with holes and nails popping out if it ( we have taken the ladder off it) anyway Mia had got up there somehow, So we gt her down and I told her it was dangerous because of the floor and she should stay away from it till Tim fixes it. About 1/2 later Mia went outside again and Amie went to get her as she started to cry, she bought her into the lounge room and there was blood on her leg, then we noticed a small metal thing in her leg like a nail! Amie was saying" Oh my god - is that a nail in her leg?" I was asking Mia" Did you get up in the cubby again?" O h shit I thought, she has and a bloody nail is now embedded in her leg! The blood was coming out of where the nail was, so I raced and got a wet cloth and came back and Amie was nearly passing out from the shock of it and Mia was still crying! I calmly and carefully wiped the blood away, trying not to push the nail in any further and .................................. the nail wiped off!
It was a piece of glitter! Then we laughed!!!!!! Talk about scary! When I wiped the blood it was a small scratch! It was so funny when we realised what it was.}
Anyway how is everyone?? My internet has been down since Friday ( I was supposed to be doing a my first cybercrop on Friday night). So I did scrap friday and saturday night but it just wasn't the challenges from the forever always cybercrop.
On Saturday night I felt like going for a walk so I put the girls in the pram and went out the front door. there is a gap between our cement the the pram tyre fits nice and snug in anyway the pram got stuck and instead of lifting it out I just sort of tried to push pull yank.... and now the wheel is buckled and I cannot use the bloody thing. So we had to go on the bike instead. Salt reckons he won't be able to fix it so I will have to see how much a new wheel is going to cost me.
Oh Leah thinks that her old camera that she had for 2 days before it crashed and burned, that the cable will fit my camera. I hope it does anyway.
I got the cleaning bug last night and cleaned every room in the house so I can have a nice relaxing day today doing not much at all.
Have good day everybody.
Posted by Amie at 8:03:00 am 3 comments
Wednesday, 21 February 2007
I wish I had my camera cable... Mia has just fallen asleep in my bed with a box of shapes in her lap and one in her mouth I took a few photos so I will share with you all later LMAO. She must be very tired all dressed up in her winter dressing gown. She made me put mine on but it was too hot so I took it off!
Kellie came over yesterday to show me her nice pregnant belly. (So I ended up cleaning my house after all) She looks great unlike me who thought I should be eating for about 6 babies instead of 1. She has 11 weeks to go. I am going to have to get Salts sister to send me a photo of her belly too she only has 5 weeks to go. How exciting I might get a little niece Saltys brother has 4 boys so it will be nice for Mia & Brie to have a girl cousin. My sister needs to pull her finger out and have a baby. I will let my brother off the hook as he is only 18.
I did 2 more LO's last night I am really liking white at the moment but the 2 I did last night were on red & orange bazill so they are a bit bright compared to the white backgrounds. I am loving the basic grey wholly cow rub-ons atm.
Not long until my sister turns 30 I spoke to mum tonight we are going to drive to sydney together so I won't have to fly with Brie now. (that's is a relief) Salt is going to stay home and have a great weekend with Mia.... I bet he takes her over to his mothers for the weekend. The Hooley Dooleys are on in Cobar on the 9th so I might have to get him to take Mia to Cobar for the day as I will have to drive to Mums that day.
We had our first playday today with all my friends that don't work on wednesday we went too Shirene's house. The kids had a lovely time playing with all Chanel & Logans toys - My turn isn't until the 2nd of May the day after Bries birthday so that should be good.
Well I am off to do some more scrapbooking
Night All
Posted by Amie at 8:42:00 pm 1 comments
Tuesday, 20 February 2007
50th Post!!!!
Well this is my 50th post.... Mia had her first Jelly Beans dance class this morning and she loved it, when it was all finished she said I do it again I do it again MUM. The 1/2 hour of dancing must really take it out of the kids as she came home and laid down and then she went to sleep. I want her to go to dancing every day LOL. I have done 3 LO's since I cleaned up my scrap room so I am very happy about that I need to print out some more photos so I can do some more.
We were in the supermarket today and I was looking at the meat & the next minute I heard someone yell out AGGHHH LOOKOUT & BANG I turned around and Mia had had a head- on collision with a little old lady (she was not impressed at all) I told Mia to say sorry and she looked at her and said sorry I was trying not too laugh. Anyway we took off down the next isle and Mia said me push I said NO you just ran into that lady your naughty and she started crying so it must of scared her too... we had to go home then cause she kept crying and saying I go home now.
Well I need to go and clean up but what I really want to do is go and do some more scrapping. mmmmmm decisions decisions.
Posted by Amie at 2:39:00 pm 5 comments
Saturday, 17 February 2007
A Few Collage's

for ages.
Posted by Amie at 7:29:00 pm 4 comments
Friday, 16 February 2007
Yes I have been RUDE...... this week has gone so quick it is Friday already. I sat down yesterday to do a post and I didn't really know what too talk about.
What have I been up too?? We have had quite a busy week.
Tuesday we had playgroup and it was really good there were a few new faces in our session so that was good it is so funny When we started going to playgroup Mia was about 10 - 11 months old she was just learning to walk, she is a pretty outgoing little girl so she fitted in straight away . The only thing she wouldn't do was sit down with all the kids and eat her lunch she just wanted to play. Well 2 years of playgroup down the track and she seems to have just grown up overnight. I was saying to Mandy at golf last night haven't the girls grown up all of a sudden (Ebony & Mia are 1 Month apart)...... On Tuesday they actually played together for about the first time in there lives, sat and listened to the stories jumped around like frogs so it was really good. The other thing I had to laugh at was the new little kids that don't like sitting down and eating there lunch it brought back all the memories of Mia when she first started.
Salty picked us up as it was too hot to walk home when I had gotten home he had done nearly all the washing so all I had to do was clean the kitchen which was good.
Wednesday the girls woke up at 6am so it was a bright and early start to the day so we went for a walk and then were out doing our groceries at 9am didn't do much else for the rest of the day that arvo I took the DVD slide show of Shane over to Di's I hope she likes it.
We went out for valentines dinner at the Motel with Bec & Griffo and it was a lovely night we had some really weird conversations for valentines night - and all the boys kept telling me and Bec is we need to clean our houses more LOL how romantic are they!!!
Yesterday I went to Mothers group there were 16 mums and 25 kids and then a few of us went for lunch afterwards. Played golf last night we lost! I need to learn to putt it would help my game so much at the moment. Got back in and won a meat tray in the meat raffles which had four big t-bones on it so guess what we will be having tonight??? Kirsty told me that she made dinner for Burls on Valentines night and it was absolutely beautiful so I am going to cook it tonight - it was T- Bone with Bacon, Mushroom, onion & sour cream topper for the steak sounds yummy so I am going to give it ago tonight.
Well we were woken up to BANG BANG BANG at 5 to 6 this morning. the alarm did go off at 5am but I pushed something I did notice it said (on) and went back to sleep whoooPs!!!!!!! I hadn't even made Salts lunch yet so I had to jump up too and make the lucky thing peanut butter s/w
I had boiled eggs last night so he will get them tomorrow.
I was looking at Brie the other day she was sitting in her highchair eating a triangle of Vegemite s/w (she has just learnt too eat toast & bread without gagging) and I have decided that she isn't a baby any more she has just grown up her face seems like it has changed. Then I think how sad she could be my last baby (big decision to have another). I am sure I will decide one day.
Well I think this could be a record for my longest post ever so if you are still reading thanks for looking.
Posted by Amie at 6:36:00 am 1 comments
Monday, 12 February 2007
More Giveaways
Well Jenny at ReallyJustRibbons is have a similar giveaway like Scrapping Angels so go and check out her blog and let her know you have put her site on your blog..... You have to be in it to win it LMAO...
I have also just found this blog so check it out.
Off to our first playgroup of the year tomorrow so that will be fun.
I made the nicest Banana Cake today and then had a phone call from Amanda saying she had invited a few of the girls around for afternoon tea if I would like to join them. I said I would love to come and I will bring a cake (it stopped me from eating most of it). Anyway the cake was soooo moist and yummy and it was made from scratch... gotta love that!
Thanks for looking Amie
Posted by Amie at 9:02:00 pm 4 comments
Sunday, 11 February 2007
5 Deluxe Kits to give AWAY!!!!!
I have just been stalking and I have found a little competition that I would love to win so you just have to mention Scrapping Angels on your own blog & also have there link and you go into the draw to win a deluxe kit... you also need to go back onto there Blog and leave a coment telling them that you have mentioned and linked....
Now if any of you win after see the competition here on my blog I expect you too SHARE.
Posted by Amie at 9:30:00 pm 0 comments
Friday, 9 February 2007
My big Sister & 11 years on
Check out our double chins LMAO...
Posted by Amie at 12:07:00 pm 5 comments
Thursday, 8 February 2007
Mia & Brie
I was talking to another mum this morning about preschool as Mia will be able to go in second term, but by the looks of it there isn't any places left I will have to give them a call this arvo and see what you need to do to be on the waiting list.
Playing golf tonight we need to win as we are playing the team that is on top of the ladder tonight and we are coming about 5th I think - the way I have played the last few weeks I may as well stay at home my golf absolutely stinks I need more practise.
Posted by Amie at 1:51:00 pm 0 comments
Monday, 5 February 2007
The Cord
I have finally ordered the cord for the camera so I can start having photo's in my posts again... my monitor started playing up on saturday it is like it is getting hot and it just goes black, so I switched it off and on and it stayed on for like 2 seconds and went black again so I rang Dell this morning and they are sending me a replacement monitor which I was very pleased about as I didn't want to have to pay for a new one.
Mia jumped off the blocks at the swimming pool yesterday with only her noodle - she wouldn't even do that at swimming lessons so I was very proud of her.
I think Brie is getting her bottom teeth lets hope she doesn't decide to start biting me when I feed her as that will be a sad day in the taylor household.
Well Salt has just got home so I best go and cook his steak.
Posted by Amie at 8:20:00 pm 5 comments
Sunday, 4 February 2007
Sleep - or lack of!
There must be something in the water I am really getting sick of waking up in the early hours of the morning and not being able to go back to sleep. I woke up and 4am and checked on Brie she had her feet hanging out the side of the cot and her head under the blanket, when I got back into bed I tried to go back to sleep and all I could think about was the scrapbooking challenge I have to organise for next month.... I came up with something I hope everyone is going to enjoy doing. So then I thought I should get up, clean & fold up all the washing I did on Friday so at least now the Kitchen/Lounge room look nice and clean and I think I might go back to bed lets hope I can go to sleep.
Posted by Amie at 5:57:00 am 1 comments
Friday, 2 February 2007
You should see the pile of washing I have got! I am on to the 3rd load of towels.... I am sure there is going to be at least 4 loads of towels & I haven't even started on the clothes yet.
Well Salty remembered about taking me out on our dates this year and said last night that we are going to go out either Saturday or Sunday night but I had to say no cause I have the biggest ugliest stingyist cold sore just above the middle of my top lip and as if I want to be taken out on a date looking like that!! maybe next week.
I just love my kiddy trailer when I get home from taking the girls for a ride I actually feel like I have done something unlike when I walk and don't even break a sweat.
It is my sisters 30Th in about 6weeks so I really need to get into the whole exercise and diet thing so I look half decent standing next to her - she was lucky to get the tall skinny gene.
Well I am just having a rest from the house work - I have the bathroom and kitchen to go and all that washing!!
I woke up this morning to a dripping ceiling in the kitchen so I am hoping when the electrician comes around he tells me that we need a new air conditioner as well as new ceiling.
I also still need to go and do the grocery shopping we have no food in the house Salty woke me up at 5.30am to ask where the tea bags were I grunted got none! where is the coffee again got none. I don't drink either so it is a bit hard to know when it is running low.
Thanks for looking
Posted by Amie at 3:32:00 pm 3 comments
Thursday, 1 February 2007
I thought Salty was just being a big sook!
Last night when Salt got home from work he was complaining about feeling sick in the stomach. being the sympathetic person I am I didn't take much notice of him (maybe I should of & he would of chucked a sicky today). Anyway Brie woke up at about 2.00am this morning and I fed her and put her back to bed and then I started feeling sick as well it felt like heartburn, cramps & wanting to spew at the same time... not nice so like Leah I couldn't go back to sleep last night so I started my challenge for the craft shop the joys of scrapbooking.
When Salt got up at 5.20am he came into the scrapbook room and said what are you up scrapbooking for - I said I am sick and he just laughed and said bad isn't it......
I think I finally went back to sleep at about 6.30 & Mia woke up at 7am.
Mia is having the second haircut of her life today I am hoping that it will make it grow.
Last day of swimming lessons today I was talking to a lady that does private lessons yesterday as she was at the pool watching her daughters lap training and she said Mia is going great, very confident & I am expecting way too much at her age. So that makes me feel better.
I got the kiddy trailer for the girls to sit in behind the bike yesterday and I love it. Mia & Brie love it too but Brie doesn't like wearing her helmet. I will take some photos and post them when I get a new cord or go to Leahs.
Well I hope everyone has a great day - I am going to be hoping the girls have a sleep at the same time so I can have a nana nap as well.
Posted by Amie at 8:18:00 am 1 comments