Monday, 23 April 2007

{Mia calls me Amie}

Yesterday Mia was sitting at my computer asking me to come and look at something,

"Mum come and look"

"Mum come and look"

I was talking to Kellie who had came over for a visit so I didn't answer her straight away.....

" Amie come and look at this" LOL I wasn't sure if she knew my first name but obviously she does.... I said how cute does that sound say my name again Mia. She sat there saying Amie Amie Amie...... then I asked her what Dads name was and she said Salty!!

Back to dancing and playgroup tomorrow, then the ANZAC Day races on Wednesday. Mia has her first day of preschool on Thursday and then we are heading out to Kristy's on Friday as she is having a playgroup at her house. Nice and busy which is good.



Amie said...

Just curious, why does he have the nickname Salty?

Kyla said... did you explain that one? Actually (despite Old Salt!!) why are they called Salt?

Good luck with pre-school. Allyce went for a few weeks then I pulled her out because she was making herself sick before we went. It was costing me $40 a day to send her, & it just wasn't worth it. Hopefully next year.....

Neek said...

way too cute Amie!! :) Amazing what kids pick up on.