Thursday, 16 August 2007

{The Nice Matters Awards}

How nice is this.... I have been nominated for this not once but 3 times..... So thank you to Mel, Narelle & Laura for thinking of me when handing out this award to your fellow bloggers.

So I would like to nominate these 3 gorgeous ladies again and Leah, Briony, Sarah, Nicole, Nic, Jenny, Jolene

Well poor little Mia has been quite sick this week with the flu that has been doing the rounds. She missed out on going to pre-school today as she was just too sick, she was quite upset about it too. I was only saying the other day that the girls hardly ever get sick I spoke to soon obviously... it would have to be the sickest I have ever seen her, when I took her to the doctors yesterday she didn't move off my lap, she was just not with it at all. But she has had a big sleep today and is still up now with lots of energy, she actually ate something this afternoon when she woke up so it must of helped. I hope Brie doesn't get it, but she probably will.

Not a lot happening here, so have a good night everyone.


Anonymous said...

Aw Amie, THANKYOU, you're so sweet :)