Today Sam celebrated his 1st birthday, he woke up at about 7.30am and I fed him.... then we got up and waited for his daddy to come home from work and his sisters to wake up so we could give him his presents.
We gave him a ride on tractor which he is way too small for but I figure his sisters can push him around on it! The girls gave him a thomas train each, we are starting early on his collection LOL I hope he takes a liking to trains. His Nan and Pop in cowra gave him a gorgeous winter outfit which will be very handy in Melbourne next week just in case it is cold. My Nana and Grandad in NZ gave him some shoes and clothes which are all just gorgeous.
Grandma and Grandad gave him toy trucks and money.
He really wasn't fazed by the whole thing. He liked the wrapping paper the best I think.
We then had our pancake breakfast which he just loved. This is the first time that he has sat at the girls table, I had to take a photo of his cute little feet that only just came to the edge of the chair :o)
After breaky I tried to take some photos of him, it was much easier when he couldn't move!
The rest of the day saw him sleeping and playing or wanting to be cuddled. I thought he was extra cuddly today maybe it was because I had so much to do. We had cake in the afternoon with family and friends, he was very spoilt with gifts and money.

Now the cake didn't turn out at all like the picture in my head! But it tasted sooooo yumm! I just love kids birthday cake. I wanted blocks because it is probably the toy he plays the most with at the moment.
Tonight we have just had a quiet night as Salt had to go to work again. My little birthday boy went to bed at about 8.45pm all by himself for a change, but woke up at 9.30 wanting a cuddle so he is now asleep in my bed which he LOVES
I took this photo last night I wanted one last photo of him before he turned one.... as I have said Sam likes to sleep in our bed.......this was him at about 10 oclock last night. His cot is right next to our bed so I am constantly putting him back in his own bed.
Some things Sam's doing at the moment are -
Biting - he is a shocker for it.... toes he bites my toes nearly everytime I am sitting on the lounge or floor he bites... It really really hurts. I am hoping it is just because he is getting his teeth.
Climbs - on everything.
Walks - around furniture
Stands - up holding onto stuff but not by himself.
Talks - he is saying Dad, Mum (occasionally) and Hello and just general baby talk.
Eats - Everything but seems to have an intollerance to dairy :o(
Plays - with a few toys, loves playing in the kitchen cupboards and in the laundry with the clothes. Loves the toilet and the bin and climbing into the bath. Actually he just likes playing with everything he shouldn't.
Well I am off to bed it has been a huge day.
Gorgeous photos Amie, looks like a fab birthday! x
My gosh Amie look's like little Sam had a wonderful 1st birthday and sound's like he got spoilt and so he should :o)he is such a gorgeous baby boy....and my gosh the girl's have grown so much and they are as beautiful as ever too.... well have a wonderful holiday i probably won't have internet for a couple of month's so will have to stay in touch through texting when i have the chance our big move is this week end so wish me luck it's been such a long process again it's just not funny :o(...
Love to you all,
Kerry and Family xo
Great photos Amie as always!!! Sam is sooo cute!! Looks like he had a wonderful day!
happy birthday big fella! love from weea XXXXXXXXXXX
OMG it's been forever since I've visited and your little one is already one! WOW. Time does fly. How you been? I haven't scrapbooked since...Umm...2010 sometime. LOL. In nursing school now and life is just too much and too busy. Some day! Way cute cake and happy birthday to Sam. :)
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