Last week I was browsing throught the christmas ezibuy catalogue and saw these great christmas words that you can hang on the tree...... The scrapper in me imediatley thought I can make them with all my chipboard letters that I have :o)
You will need:
Dimensional magic
Ink -
string/ribbon/fishing line.... what ever you wish to use to hang it on your tree.
Step 1.
Step 1.
Get out the letters you wish to use.

Step 2. Ink them up with what ever colour theme your tree is :o) I used silver as I didn't have gold or red :o(

Step 3. Join your word together so each letter is touching. Cover with Dimensional magic, it will join at each letter where it touches. It will be messy!!!!!

Now sprinkle HEAPS of glitter on the dimensional magic and let it dry for 24 hours at least.

I think the Dimensional Magic is the best thing to use as it does give it dimension where as kindyglitz is a bit flat once it dries.
These are my finished words, I still need to put something on them to hang them from the tree but seen as it isn't the 1st of December yet!!!!

but here are the photos from the catalogue for you to see how good they look. I noticed BigW has them in there catalogue too.
I am going to make some with our names on them as well I think they would look good as well, something different from the name bauble.
Enjoy making these for your family.... handmade decorations are great :o)
Thanks Amie xx
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