Our local show is on this weekend and I just thought you all might like to know that I won the BIG RIBBON..... I am the champion scrapbooker for 2008. Now yes this is exciting BUT at 2pm I entered Brie into the baby competition her section was 6 months to under 2years so she only just scrapped in by 10 days and she won the Baby Show. I am so proud of her.... I actually think I was more excited about Brie getting her first trophy and ribbon :o)
Congratulations to all of the other winners from the scrapbooking, everyone is just so talented and it was great to look at everyone's work on display. Narelle and Monique do a beautiful job displaying our special talents.
Have a great night everyone we are heading back out to the fireworks.
Amie xx
Sunday, 20 April 2008
{Scrapbooking Champion & Baby Show Winner}
Posted by Amie at 5:51:00 pm 10 comments
Thursday, 17 April 2008
{Happy Birthday to my Gorgeous Miss Mia}
Posted by Amie at 8:51:00 pm 7 comments
Tuesday, 15 April 2008
{Scrapbook Creations}
*** Edited I have added a better photo now :o)
Today the best happy mail arrived my first published LO in print, how good are scrapbook creations they send a copy of the magazine back with your LO... I have just scanned the mag so it is a bit crooked and not very clear but it is the top one. The pic is quite washed out but it is still exciting to have my first LO published, next month I will be in the real life real stories section of Scrapbooking Memories and have another LO being published in Scrapbook Creations and then I have a break and I will be in the next one as well.
Posted by Amie at 11:08:00 pm 9 comments
Friday, 11 April 2008
Home for a day then off again!!!!
Had an awesome holiday I have about a 1000 photos to go through and edit them.
LOL I am off to Cowra today to drop the kids off at my mums so I can go to a wedding in Molong on Saturday. Lets hope I don't have any dramas with the photos this time :lol: The girls are so sick of being in the car after Salt drove all the way home from Burleigh Heads on Wed, We didn't have a great start to our trip we had an accident on the hwy heading to Beau desert about 8am in the morning.... Luckily no one was hurt, well the cars were but we were still able to drive home which made hubby happy as he left for Darwin last night and it would have been major dramas if he had of missed his annual fishing trip in DARWIN!!!! Back to the accident we were driving in the rain and the 2 cars in front of us were slowing down for some reason that Salt couldn't see I was in the backseat as Brie had just vomited from the hills.... so I wasn't any help. Next thing he knew the car in front of him slammed on the breaks to miss the kangaroo that had slipped on the road in front of her and she didn't want to hit it ? Why you would slam on you breaks in the rain on a busy highway if she had of just hit it we wouldn't of hit her :evil: So anyway Salt was only going about 70ks when he put his breaks on but the car slid that far and smashed into the back of hers. He said he couldn't go round her as he would have had a head on with cars coming at us and if he had gone the other way he would have rolled the car on its side. Both the girls hit there head on the dvd players in the car and were crying I settled them down and got out to see the damage. The poor girl was so upset saying it was her fault and she had been beeping her horn at the kangaroo cause she didn't want to hit it know wonder the kangaroo slipped on the road she would have scared it..... Anyway to make things worse it is our fault and we have to pay the excess to get the car fixed even though she was nearly at a full stop in the middle of the highway. Anyway no one was hurt and both cars were still drivable we are just very lucky that we didn't have a truck coming behind us as he would of not been able to stop and it would have been a lot worse.
Posted by Amie at 8:20:00 am 0 comments