Well today after a bit of a dry spell I have had another LO accepted for publication.... Very excited. I was starting to think it was a bit of a fluke at the start of the year getting those few acceptances....
My LO is going to feature in the Time Gallery in issue SC #60
The funny thing is that I sent it in to them about 3 months ago...
Have a good weekend everyone :o)
Friday, 30 May 2008
{Another LO accepted for Publication}
Posted by Amie at 3:37:00 pm 8 comments
Wednesday, 28 May 2008
{Not Much Happening}

So just thought I would share some photo's this one is of the girls on Monday afternoon painting each other with makeup. Kept them quiet for quite some time...
Mia is going great in her new bed as well we have had 6 nights in a row of going to sleep in her bed and 3 of the 6 night she didn't even come into our bed during the night so that has been great not having any kids in the bed.

Posted by Amie at 10:27:00 am 2 comments
Tuesday, 13 May 2008
{Mothers Day and My Baby is all grown UP!!!}
This is my mothers day present from Mia that she made at preschool, she is so cute and has been watering it every few days.
(Me practising my photography skills)
Well it is all a bit sad tonight, My baby is growing up way tooooo fast. Brie decided a few nights ago that she could climb out of her cot. So today I packed her cot up and she is sleeping in a big girls bed. Well it is Mia's bed that we brought her and since she doesn't like using it Brie may as well. Last night I let her go to sleep in Mia's bed but then put her in her cot once she was asleep.
There was no trying to get out she just went straight to sleep and tonight she has done the same thing. So lets hope that continues Mia has gone into our spare double bed so I am hoping she takes a liking to that and starts sleeping in the bed by herself all night.
Can you all notice the liquid paper on Brie's face.... she was very quiet on Thursday and this is what she was doing painting her face.... I got it all off her lips and the rest took about 3 or 4 days to come off her cheeks.
Just thought I would share 2 of my LO's that are in the Forever Always May Mid Month Newsletter, the Pattern Papers are from the new Kaiser range and they are just stunning.
This Thursday night Forever Always Cybercrop is on and it is going to be lots of fun and games.... so why not come over and join us.
Posted by Amie at 10:36:00 pm 7 comments
Saturday, 3 May 2008
We had a really great holiday. It was made even better in the fact that Salt's Brother's family were at the Gold Coast with us at the same time so we did all the Theme Parks together. I am so glad because the boys were just awesome with our girls, taking Mia on ride after ride... Salt and I don't really like going on the rides, Salt only went on a few with the girls he said he feels like he is paralysed and nearly wets his pants LMAO!!!!
So we arrived at Burleigh Heads on the sunday after Kristals wedding, we stayed at the Paradise Grove apartments and our apartment was just stunning. It was about 500m to the beach and 200m to all the restaurants which suited us down to the ground, Salt would go down each night and get dinner and bring it back and we would eat on the balcony.
On the Monday we headed to Seaworld, how amazing are the dolphins. At Seaworld we found out Mia has no fear and went on everything she was aloud to go on again and again and again.
Tuesday we went to Wet and Wild but it was pretty cold so the girls didn't get the most out of it. Mia went down this huge waterslide all by herself (well that is what I was told) so the next time she went up I was waiting for her to come down and she didn't next minute I saw her walking back down the ramp. Uncle Dean had pushed her down the first time, and her cousins didn't want to push her down again..... LMAO if I had of known that I would have taken her up myself and given her a little push, cause she really loved it. It was just a bit hard to get going apparently.
On the wednesday it was Salts birthday so we went and had a BBQ lunch with the other Taylors and then went to the beach. I just love the beach, I grew up going to the beach and really miss it. I would love to live near the beach now I think it is a great family day out.
Thursday we went to Movie World, now this was the pick of the parks for the girls ages. Mia even got to go on a roller coaster which yes you guessed it the dare devil loved it and went on it at least 6 times. I just loved the Shrek 4D movie and watched it twice. I even went on the Superman roller coaster it was awesome even though I squealed the whole time and had my eyes shut. Mia and Brie went on everything they could and had a lovely day. Brie's favourite was the cars she could only just reach the pedal.
Friday I took Mia to the movies for the first time ever, we watch Horton hears a WHO... it wasn't that great I think she liked the popcorn the most. I think if it had of been something else she would have liked it more.
Saturday I caught up with Kye and her lovely family, and Salt went and watched the Titans play Canberra.
Sunday we found a gorgeous little walking trail and secluded beach... that we wished we had of found earlier in the week as Salt would have gone down there fishing of an afternoon. But now we know it is there next time I'd say we would spend a fair bit of time there. We all had a great time looking for shells.
Monday we went to Dreamworld, now I think this was the best place for Brie to be able to go on rides, I could take her on a few more rides like the log ride where we got soaked as, and another water raft ride that we all went on.
Tuesday we went on the walking trail again but it rained so we took the girls to the heated pool instead and then headed down to the beach again that afternoon shell hunting.
I would just love to live near the beach again, I got up and walked along the beach of a morning... Maybe I could talk Salt into moving there one day.... what do you think my chances are!!!
Below are some photos, they aren't in any order.
Salt took this pic of Brie and I. I just love the photo I have had it blown up and now I just need to find a spot for it!!
On the last day at Burleigh we found a heated swimming pool Brie loved it and hadn't forgotten how to swim which was great.
How gorgeous is this Tiger :o)
Wags and Mia
Batman and Robin were awesome, they chatted to Andrew and Mia for a few minutes asking them how there day had been before letting me take the photo.
Mia just loves Scooby Doo... (not that you can tell by this photo.) watches it all the time. Scooby was actually in the top of the car and I asked him to get out and have his photo taken with Mia. How nice of scooby. She even had a scooby t-shirt on!!
Love this photo.
Dad, Brie and Henry, Brie wanted to get her photo taken with Henry but was just a bit scared... she was like it with all of the characters.
Brie and Dad watching us on the ride below.
This ride was so much fun even though I am squealing.
Mia and Cat Woman.
Mia and Sylvester.
Mia and Tassie
Happy 36th Birthday Daddy!!!
Uncle Dean and Mia, Mia was a bit hesitant but she got used to after a while and absolutely loved the beach.
Trying to get a family photo.......
The boys playing footy.
Mia on the Beach she just loved the beach.
Brie at Wet & Wild.
Dean, Sonya, Andrew, Mia, Mathew and Joshua having a great time on the Mammoth. Mia loved this waterslide and went down at least 7 times. There would have been at least 200 stairs to climb and it didn't worry her one bit.
Mia's footprints in the sand
Brie in the sand at the pool where Dean and Sonya stayed, she was being cheeky putting sand in the pool.
The Dolphin Show was just stunning to watch, we all loved it.
How beautiful are the Pelicans
Mia on the Pirateship ride, this little girl seriously has no fear. She is with her uncle Dean in the second row.
After the ride.
Joshua & Brie at Seaworld.
Posted by Amie at 9:49:00 pm 5 comments
{Wedding Photo's}
Ange & Bushy's Wedding
Thanks guys for trusting me to be the photographer on such a special day :o) I had an awesome time and it was such a great experience :o)
Posted by Amie at 8:05:00 pm 3 comments