Hi everyone,
Yes well I have been a slack blogger but there just hasn't been a lot happening in the taylor household of late.....
These are the LO's that I did at the Forever Always Cyber Crop a few weekends ago.
This is the catfish that Mia and I caught the other day when we went fishing, Salt didn't catch a thing... LOL

So just thought I would share some photo's this one is of the girls on Monday afternoon painting each other with makeup. Kept them quiet for quite some time...

So just thought I would share some photo's this one is of the girls on Monday afternoon painting each other with makeup. Kept them quiet for quite some time...
I did a photography course a few Sundays ago and it was really great, I learnt heaps and now I just have to put it into practice. mmmmm what else is happening ummmmm Brie is talking sooooo much she can sing songs and everything I can't believe it. Mia was 2 when Brie was born and there was no way that she could talk like Brie. It is really great though because she can tell you what she wants.
Here are a few things that I have heard her say lately.
I loooovvvee you Mia - This happens most day when they wake up.
after I roused on her yesterday as she didn't want to put her pajamas on.. I love you mum!! The little crawler LMAO it was very cute though.
Thats beudiful Mia. -commenting on Mia's colouring yesterday at the library.
I could go on and on here but she just repeats everything you say, or anyone else. She is just loving getting books read to her as well.
Brie is going really well in her new big bed, Grandma brought her a safety rail and I think that has helped as well as she just doesn't get out of it now.
She looks so tiny in the bed.
Mia is going great in her new bed as well we have had 6 nights in a row of going to sleep in her bed and 3 of the 6 night she didn't even come into our bed during the night so that has been great not having any kids in the bed.
I don't think I have shared this photo of Gemma that I took the other day, she is just so gorgeous. Such a happy little baby too.

This is a LO I did for a Recipe Night at Forever Always - Just like the progressive challenges I used to do.

Shock horror I did a double LO yesterday I never do doubles as I pretty much like sticking to one photo per page...

This is my LO for this months 123 Challenge. I really love it.
Tigger had an accident the other day, since it has been cold we have a bar heater that is in our kitchen lounge room. Anyway Brie has been walking past it and having a habit of leaving things in front of it :o( So far she has tried to burn the house down 3 times first it was a pillow which was the quickest to start smoking.... then her princess foam chair and then the other day it was poor tigger. Luckily all three times I have been in the room and noticed the smokish haze coming off things. Tigger's leg got burnt and he now has to wear a bandage. I think it has finally sunk in that you don't leave things near the heater. We would have been in big trouble if it had of wrecked tigger as she takes him everywhere.
Enjoy the rest of you week, I have to get off the puter and clean up this house it is in a terrible mess and I was hoping Salt would be home today to help...he does it so much quicker than me!! But he's not!!
Amie xx
never mind tigger, I am just glad the bloody house didnt burn down!!
well see, there has been things happening in the taylor house!
By the way I am with nurse Nyngan, never mind bloody Tigger!!!
Bad heater, bad.
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