OMG Sam is 5 months old already I wish it would slow down. He is the most gorgeous adorable little boy you could ask for. SO SO SO happy and did I say cute :o)
Here are some photos I took on friday. That day I also gave him a taste of farex which he mostly spat out but today he actually swallowed most of it. Brie was just eating a banana so I squished some up for Sam I think he liked the taste of it but would squish his eyes up when he swallowed it I wish I had it on video camera it was so cute.

Salts mum brought us some chooks a few weeks ago, so today Salt made them a chook house so we could bring them over to our house. He did a pretty good job just using stuff that was lying around our back back yard. Mia is pretty excited to own the chooks and she has called them Charli, Brooke, Mia, Brie, Ella & Libby. She is now talking about when they will have chickens...... apparently they will lay eggs in a couple of weeks how exciting will that be. They are pretty friendly chooks so I sure Mia will have lots of fun with them. Brie on the other hand isn't too keen on any animal and just screams if they come near her.
A couple of months ago Salt put up this tyre swing for the girls out the front they just love it and have so much fun on it I finally grabbed the camera the other day while waiting for Mia to come home from school. Best toy ever they reckon!
The last few weeks has seen Mia being sick the poor little thing. She has had the vomits, splats & now croup. I hope she gets better soon it is really knocking her about :o(
I haven't been in my scrapbook room for at least 2 weeks I think I am getting withdrawals LMAO I am in an Apron Swap atm with Sonia, Gab & Briony so I am hoping to get it made this week sometime. I have so many things I want to sew but just to find the time. Tonight I saw the most gorgeous fabric baskets on Mel Goodsells Blog I am going to have to go and buy the magazine just so I can make some.
Anyway I am off to feed Sam and go to bed Mia went to bed at 6pm and Brie has just gone.
Goodnight All :o)