I would just like to share with you a business that my SIL has started on Ebay. Feel free to pass this link onto your friends as well. Kristal also designs birthday party invitations and thank yous, wedding thankyou's, engagement invites and thank you's and pretty much anything else thatyou can think of. All of her cards are designed to print onto the standard10x15cm photo paper or they can be printed onto card stock if your printerallows for this. You can print at snapfish for 15cents a print or your local photo lab if it is cheaper. Kristal made the girls birthday invitations this year for me and everyone that saw them thought they were great. It beats writing out 35 invites at a time :o) If you are interested in having a card design personalised for you or know of anyone who would find this service useful please let them/me know. You can leave a coment here and I can forward it onto Kristal or you can contact her through ebay.

they look great! Kristal should also sell them on a blog and people might stumble accross them that way and link it to their blogs too. Sam is a very famous baby being on ebay! from weah
Hi Weah in the Kia, Amie will be giving me lessons on blogging when I come home soon - so stayed tuned. Thanks for the great idea.
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