The girls playing in their new cubby house.
My first atempt at cherry pie - mum brought a box of cherries with her so I thought I better use the ones that were left!
I have just put Brie to bed she had a great time playing in the cubby house, she stayed in there for at least 30mins all by herself while Mia helped me do the ironing.
Sunday, 31 December 2006
Just a few photo's
Posted by Amie at 11:03:00 am 2 comments
Saturday, 30 December 2006
We all Slept In!!
Salt missed the bus this morning for work LOL he slept in. He woke up at 6.15am and jumped out of bed his alarm did go off and 5am but he must have turned it off instead of pressing snooze.
I got to sleep in this morning until 8.45am I have been needing a sleep in for ages but the girls have been waking up early well not too early but before 8am anyway. It must have been the swimming in our pool yesterday I took them in in the morning and they both came in and had a sleep and then we got back in yesterday afternoon it definitely tired Brie out as she slept all thru the night for the first time in about 10 days.
It is a bit windy today so we might have to go for a swim when it warms up.
Brie has been very busy in the last week she started saying mum on the 17th dec and that lasted about 3 days and now she is onto dad and any other noise except mum that she can make it is so funny and cute. She choked on a piece of plastic the other day I am not sure who panicked the most Me or Salt now that she is reaching out and moving around the floor just a little bit I am going to have to make sure nothing is on the floor. Mia has been pretty good if you tell her to pick the stuff after she plays with it she does and then she says " cause brie will choke hey mum"
Kristy, Amanda and I are going to the motel for NYE so it should be a good night. I haven't had a big night out for at least 18 months.
I hope everyone has a great NYE and all the best for 2007.
Thanks for reading Amie
Posted by Amie at 10:26:00 am 3 comments
Tuesday, 26 December 2006
Christmas Day
Christmas was great, Mia had a great time! the funny thing was she wouldn't look in her santa bag everytime I would say look what santa brought she would say No I don't want it..... anyway I had to pretend to wrap the 3 presents that were in there up so she would have a look at them. She loves her swingset and cubbyhouse I will have to take some photos of her playing with them. Christmas lunch was great we had roast pork with baked veges and it was no where near as stressfull as last year I guess their were only half the people here and I wasn't pregnant. I didn't go much on the icecream and plum pudding as much as I thought I would maybe I will have to have another taste tonight.
Brie learn't too clap her hands last night so that was pretty special on christmas day.
Nana and Grandad rang to talk to everybody Grandad was so happy with the present I gave them for xmas I made a DVD of photos with the music he was crying he loved it that much he said I made his christmas. It must be hard for them being in NZ all by themselves on christmas day. We went over 2 christmas's ago which was nice as Mia was only 8mths old.
I tried to get a photo of Mum and my brother with the girls today isn't it a task and a half to get everyone looking and smiling nicely LOL.
Anyway I best go and clean up, sort out all the girls new toys, find spots for everything I think we need a bigger house. Wishfull thinking I would say.
Thanks for looking.
Posted by Amie at 3:36:00 pm 2 comments
Friday, 22 December 2006
Santa's nearly here!!
Well Santa is nearly hear I am getting sooooo excited I can't wait to see how excited Mia will be christmas morning people have been asking her what Santa is bringing her and she has been telling them she is getting a dolly (whoops I don't think Santa got that letter) I better get her a little one from the chemist in the morning. Brie is in bed and Mia is over with her cousins she just loves the boys even though she only sees them once or twice a year. I should be cleaning up but the computer has a hold over me I just can't get up from the seat!! LOL
I have just made the plum pudding and icecream for desert on Monday I can't wait to eat it, it looks yummy licking the bowl tasted pretty good...
Dione gave me a leg of pork for christmas so I am going to cook that instead of hot ham.
Well as you can tell I started this post last night I was going to finish it after I had vacuumed but then Mia woke up just as I had finished cleaning and I had to go back to bed with her.
This morning she told me there was a monster under the blanket "she said hello monster" I said what is the monsters name?? LMAO she is so funny she said Monstar Taya - she is making me laugh so much lately.
I just went over to Kays and she is stressed out it always happens at christmas for her you would think after years of doing christmas she would know what she is doing and just chill!! & I thought they were coming here for xmas lunch anyway but I am not sure what is happening with the Wambiana Taylors now.
I have downloaded apparently it is like photoshop but free I am slowly working it out.
Did anyone see the christmas trees made out of biscuits on Nic Wrights blog I am going to try and make some today. My Nana makes the best shortbread and I have never been able to master it maybe I will try it with those biscuits.
Well I hope everyone has a great christmas.
Posted by Amie at 6:40:00 pm 3 comments
Tuesday, 19 December 2006
Great Idea Nurse Nyngan
I will do that I saw that recipe somewhere the other day. We won golf tonight I got 2 pars which was a bonus since my golf is shitty at the moment.
I brought my Dyson today I am really happy with it, you should have seen the crap that came out of the carpet I main reason I brought it was because I am sick of my hair all over the carpet and it did a great job of getting that up.
I altered a clock today and I think it looks great I will posts photo's later.
Posted by Amie at 9:26:00 pm 4 comments
Making Xmas Presents
I altered this notebook last night to go in with my sisters xmas present I hope she likes it (so stacie if you are reading this and it doesn't get to you by xmas I hope you like it!!)
Posted by Amie at 11:41:00 am 1 comments
Sunday, 17 December 2006
How Lucky Am I.......
Well I think it is official I have the best mother in law you could possibly have. We got home from holidays about 10.45pm last night and I walked into one very clean house. Kay has been spring cleaning my house all week, before I left she asked me if it was alright if she changed our sheets and stuff for when we came home of course I said YES!!!
Anyway she got a bit carried away and cleaned all the cubboards in the girls rooms, kitchen & laundry the carpet is looking very clean so I am not sure if she has cleaned it or just used her new vacuum cleaner.
Well holidays were great Robbie Williams was amazing I think he must be one of the best entertainers in the world.. the grin did not dissapear from my face the whole time. Even Salt was singing and dancing away (but he just said he was good).
The girls were very good for Aunty Stacie they were both asleep by 7.30pm.
Mia really enjoyed the wiggles I think Brie did as well she was bopping along to the music.
Here are some photos of our holiday.
We left Nyngan at about6.30pm on saturday night half an hour down the road we had 2 sleeping beauties.
The girls at the beach I wish I could say it is me holding Brie - This is my sister Stacie she has a beautiful figure.
Salty & Mia in Stacie's back yard mucking around with the surf board.
The kids enjoying the spa at Nelsons Bay & Mia Tenpin Bowling how cute are the shoes!!!
I will have to post some photo's of the wiggles concert tomorrow.
I can't believe it is only a week until christmas I am trying to decide what to cook for christmas lunch I am sure I will think of something I better make a decision soon though so far I am thinking hot ham and baked veges and lots of yummy deserts.
You should see my christmas card that I recieved in Julie Love's Christmas Card Swap it is absoulutley beautiful I am soooo pleased to have recieved a card from someone so talented thankyou Melissa Duffy Well I am off to bed I don't cope will on 6 hours sleep.
Posted by Amie at 8:42:00 am 3 comments
Friday, 8 December 2006
Hey Stalkers,
How is everyone??? I am great, I have been scrapbooking all day which was nice and relaxing. What I should have been doing was getting ready to go on holidays tomorrow but instead I had a great day with Skye, Narelle, Monique & Janet. I did four LO's thanks to pencillines I am just loving their sketches it makes scrapbooking a whole lot easier when you only have to pick what colours you want too use.
This I got woken up at 7.20am Salty's mum thought I would be up getting organised! Not me if the girls are asleep so am I anyway the phone woke Mia up and the first thing she said to me was I love you mum - isn't she adorable.
Well I have got so much to do I haven't even packed our bags yet I am just about to write out a list so I don't forget anything. Knowing my luck I will get about 15kms out of Nyngan and realise I have left the concert tickets at home. (I have done it before).
My sister is looking after the girls for us while we go to Robbie Williams isn't she going to have fun chasing Mia around I really hope they behave for her I am a bit worried about Brie though I would hate for her too be screaming and put stacie right off having kids. (and those who know Brie know she doesn't even know how to cry)LMAO
One of my friends Sarah has created her own blog today it is very funny so check it out it is called The Adventures of Nurse Nyngan.
I am guessing I will be having stalking withdrawls while I am away I might have to find myself an internet cafe. I wish I owned a laptop.
I will blog from my sisters and let you all know we got to sydney safely.
We are leaving tomorrow afternoon Salt is coming off nightshift in the morning so I am going to let him sleep all day and then he can drive all night and the girls will sleep well that is the plan anyway.
I have just got off the phone to Leah this is the second night in a row that we have been on the phone for over an hour I guess you can do that when the kids are in beds and the hubby's aren't home. Leah what day do you get back from Sydney? you will have to put your family photos on your blog and I will be able to check them out when we get back to stacies for the wiggles.
Here are the LO's that I did today.
Well have a great week everybody I will catch up with all your blogs & leave little messages saying what a great concert Robbie was, how nice relaxing on the beach is, the massage was great! yada yada I bet the highlight is going to be the wiggles LMAO.
Goodnight All.
Posted by Amie at 11:16:00 pm 4 comments
Wednesday, 6 December 2006
Really Just Ribbons Gallery
Well Jenny at Really Just Ribbons has got her Gallery up and running and she has put my Cheeky LO in the gallery.... very excited. Jenny has some beautiful ribbons and they come all neatly rolled on ribbon card holders??? if thats what they are called.
Jenny's website is in my links.
It is my bestfriends birthday today {HAPPY BIRTHDAY KRISTY}.
I took the girls to the pool yesterday & I am so happy. Mia doesn't let me anywhere near her so you just have to let her play by herself and she will get in when she is ready. So yesterday I asked her if she would like to push Brie around in her floaty seat, she jumped at the chance I am so glad I let her because after about 20mins of me following her around while she pushed Brie (Brie was loving it mind you). She let go and walked around all by herself then she started blowing bubbles and kicking her legs while holding onto the rail. I was so proud of her, she kept getting more and more confident and then some bigger kids got in the pool jumping and splashing around well she was right then, she was jumping and splashing with no floaties on she even dunked herself under - she was holding my leg though. I was going to take her today but it rained so I will take some photos tomorrow being very confident in the water. It is amazing how much they learn by being around other kids.
Posted by Amie at 5:57:00 pm 3 comments
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Tuesday, 5 December 2006
I was wondering why I wasn't getting left any coments and I was just blog stalking and Briony has left a message saying that she couldn't leave a comment for me. I was mucking around with it the other day so anyone could leave comments but when I just had a look it said NO ONE could leave comments. Anyway it is fixed now everyone.
Off to playgroup this morning I am hoping Mia gets to make a xmas tree decoration as last year they were so cute.
Posted by Amie at 9:17:00 am 6 comments
Monday, 4 December 2006
{You wouldn't believe it.....}
Well you will believe it Brie woke up at 6am this morning and instead of feeding her and going back to bed we stayed up and I DIDN'T TURN ON THE COMPUTER.. I got stuck in and for the first time in about 3months I feel like my house is clean (such a nice feeling) I did all the washing cleaned the kitchen & scrubbed the bathroom vacuumed and mopped dusted and feel very happy with myself I had all this done by 11am. It did help that Mia didn't wake up until 8.45am. So when Brie woke up from her nap we went to the pool with Rachelle and Mason I was going up the street to do some jobs but Brie is asleep again wish I was a baby.
So Leah I think we should have snaps for Amie LOL.
I just read Leahs blog and the kids letters to santa are a crack up! all the things I get to look fwd too.
Blogging is great I sent the link to my blog to my friend Kristy in perth and now she has created her own which is great as we just don't pick up the phone unless there is something really important to tell each other like marriage or babies. So it is going to be great knowing what she is up too.
Mia has just fallen asleep on the lounge - Gotta love going to the pool to wear the kids out!! I am going to try and be creative and make Nana & Grandad something for xmas.
Thanks for reading
Love A
Posted by Amie at 2:59:00 pm 0 comments
Sunday, 3 December 2006
Finally the photo's
I tried to take a few photos of the girls on friday with santa hats on hahahhah it did't work they would not co-operate at all as you can see.
I also made this for Brie's room.
Well we are heading off on Holidays with the Weston's next saturday and I have a busy week ahead of me so I need to get a list happening of the things i need to do this week.
Washing - you should see the pile up in the laundry!!
Cleaning - can anyone give me some hints on how to keep a house clean with a 2 year old? I don't seem to know how....
Scrapbooking - I need to get organised for our all day/night scrap this friday, I would like to print out some sketches and do up some challenges for myself to do I say this every time and I never do it, & I never get anything done.
I need to make Nana & Grandad a xmas present and get it sent this week!!!!!
Pack - Need to pack for Hols isnt that a crappy job I think it might be the worst thing about going on hols.
Tuesday - we have playgroup
Thursday - Mothers group xmas party need to make a plate of food to take.
So tomorrow I guess I am going to be cleaning the house I started in the loungeroom today so I only have the rest of the house to do I'm not going to turn my computer on tomorrow as I am guessing that's what keeps me from getting stuff done around here I have become a Blog Stalker as Leah calls it LMAO.
Posted by Amie at 8:30:00 pm 1 comments
Friday, 1 December 2006
I just love you!!
Brie you are just sooooo beautiful I just had to share this photo with everyone....
Brie is 7 months old today.. where does the time go??
Well what else have I been doing ummmm Nana & Grandad sent the girls there xmas presents the other day so I am trying to be creative and make them something scrapbookish LOL. I will have to pull my finger out and get it done this weekend so I can post it on Monday
I am going to put the christmas tree up tonight Mia should enjoy decorating it she is asleep at the moment so she will have lots of energy and won't even look like going to bed before 9pm so at least that will keep her entertained.
Posted by Amie at 4:20:00 pm 1 comments